The current situation
Visitor management is both a challenge and an opportunity. In a short time, many projects have already been launched and found great presence. A lot of knowledge is out there, shared by renowned scientists, professors and other actors in the tourism sector.

The current situation
The current situation
Visitor management is both a challenge and an opportunity. In a short time, many projects have already been launched and found great presence. A lot of knowledge is out there, shared by renowned scientists, professors and other actors in the tourism sector.

The goal
The goal
All of those projects already lead into the right direction. Now they need to be networked in order to achieve the most effective and sustainable impact for the Allgäu region. Through the event series we want to achieve exactly that.
The goal
All of those projects already lead into the right direction. Now they need to be networked in order to achieve the most effective and sustainable impact for the Allgäu region. Through the event series we want to achieve exactly that.

Establishing a "Community of Practice"
Establishing a "Community of Practice"
On a larger scale, a "Community of Practice" is to be established to support the exchange of experience and the cooperation of the actors on projects and measures in the Allgäu. In the sense of a knowledge and action community, regular events will provide information on important topics and further develop visitor management in the Allgäu.

February 15th - Kickoff with success
We counted more than 100 participants and interesting input was shared by experts of the currently running projects around the topic.
May 11th - The Main Event
Outlook into the future
All projects around visitor management
The "AIR (Artificial Intelligence Recommender) Project" launched in January 2022. Funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the main goal of the project is to apply AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology to develop sustainable digital visitor management solutions. Outdooractive is participating in this project in conjunction with a consortium led by the Institute for Tourism and Spas Research in Northern Europe GmbH (NIT). In addition to accessing existing (open data) streams on tourism movements, the project will install sensors and collect real-time data on the capacities of parking lots, points of interests (POIs), and routes, which will be made available via open data hubs. By collating and analyzing this wide range of data, a powerful machine learning model will be developed to generate predicitons about future tourism flows, while also taking into account dynamic parameters such as weather, vacation periods, events, etc. An AI-powered recommendation service will then be developed to help provide visitors with sustainable alternatives to crowded destinations.
The joint project Flexible Adventure Bus for Sustainable Leisure Transport (FEB-NAFV) started back in November 2021. Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), Outdooractive is working with the Kempten University of Applied Sciences, the Füssen Knowledge Transfer Center (WTZ) and others.
In order to reduce the use of private vehicles in destinations, an emission-free adventure bus is being piloted as an alternative mode of transport for locals and visitors to the Allgäu region. The use of geo-information systems, weather forecasts and mobility data enables dynamic, data-based timetabling, which will be implemented via Outdooractive as an online booking platform."ESKINAT"
Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the project ESKINAT, which equates to "The Development of a Strategy to Improve the Availability of Credible Information on Sustainable Tourism Services" will continue to until mid-February.
In this project, research is being conducted into how small and medium-sized enterprises in particular can be better supported by digital platforms. Sustainable products and services in tourism should thus become easier for guests to find, simpler to disseminate and more transparent. To achieve this, the project is investigating, among other things, what partnerships between tourism platforms and providers of certification programs for sustainable tourism can contribute. The results of this project will be incorporated into the further development of the Outdooractive platform.Digitize the Planet
In the "OutKomm" project, the non-profit association "Digitize the Planet" tested whether an explanatory communication strategy on rules of use in natural areas improves led to better uptake. In addition, it was investigated whether this knowledge building better awareness of nature in general. The result of the project was the action guideline "Signpost to a digital communication strategy". An orientation for everyone involved in tourism regarding effective visitor guidance in the developing infrastructure of tourism and conservation. The project was supported by the tourism intiative LIFT WISSEN from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.