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  • European Trails

    We are founding the association European Trails, which will become the European hub of the World Trails Network (WTN) and play a key role in tackling the challenges of alpine infrastructure in Europe.
European Trails
We take responsibility for trail infrastructure
Alpine infrastructure is facing an increased pressure worldwide.  We constantly receive news about closed hiking trails or abandoned huts. To meet these challenges, we opened a dialogue with all involved stake holders in outdoor tourism more than six years ago. We developed solution strategies to digitize nature conservation information in order to present it to users on outdoor platforms in an appropriate manner.
Foundation of European Trails
In order to drive forward our efforts on an European level, we are in the process of founding European Trails, which will act as the European hub of the World Trails Network (WTN). This organization will tackle the problem of inadequate infrastructure in Europe and give trail management organizations a strong, common voice.
World Trails Network
The World Trails Network (WTN) is the leading global association for hiking trails. It is dedicated to trails as a crucial part of the overall outdoor infrastructure. There are already two successful hubs in Asia and America. We will follow their role model with European Trails.

Outdooractive has supported the World Trail Network as an active member for years. CEO Hartmut Wimmer obtains a leading role as board member.
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Green Flag Trails
Green Flag Trails is an international standard for the accreditation of hiking trails, which ensures that they are managed sustainably and used in an ecologically responsible manner.

As a member of the WTN Board, our CEO Hartmut Wimmer has driven forward the relaunch of the Green Trails certificate
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Become a member of European Trails:
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- Exert influence: As a founding member, you will shape the structures and standards of the non-profit organization right from the start.

- Secure the future: Together with other European trail management organizations, you will improve the financing and support of the important infrastructure for outdoor tourism.

- Strong voice: Use this unique opportunity to get involved in significant political endeavors and make a substantial impact on the future of outdoor tourism in Europe.

We kick it off
The kick-off event will take place at this year's World Trails Conference in Ottawa, where we will provide detailed information on the current status and future plans.
World Trails Conference
Outdooractive has been doing pioneering work in the digitalization of nature conservation rules and infrastructure data for more than 30 years. This engagement led to the non-profit organization Digitize the Planet. We proudly support DtP with our expertise and financial commitment.

This successful example, proofs that it is worth breaking new ground and taking on a pioneering role that other partners can follow.
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We are taking responsibility for trail infrastructure and using our expertise to ensure that the European Trails will become an international success story!