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  • Manage your Guests

    Manage your Guests

    On Outdooractive you will obtain digital guest profiles. We offer a wide range of visitor touch points that enable to create your own guest data base
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Create a digital guest base

Digital guest profiles are key both for effective destination marketing and visitor guidance. They allow you to reach new levels of engagement and give you detailed information about interest, behavior and habits. With Outdooractive you can create user profiles as well as manage them efficiently.  

Touch points to obtain user data

Outdooractive gives you a large variety of ways to engage directly with our users and motivate them to transfer their personal data to you

  • Challenges
  • Sweepstakes
  • Pro+ Vouchers
  • Route planner on your website
  • White-Label-App registration
  • Questions & Answers in the community
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Touch points to obtain user data

Outdooractive gives you a large variety of ways to engage directly with our users and motivate them to transfer their personal data to you

  • Challenges
  • Reviews
  • Q&As
  • Audio Guide
  • Route planning on your own website
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User Profiles

With every user action, we augment their online profiles. They retain full control of their data usage in their privacy settings. Users can hide or delete their profiles at any time. 

With Outdooractive, you can communicate with these leads digitally and in accordance with GDPR.

Choose your plan

User Profiles

With every user action, we augment their online profiles. They retain full control of their data usage in their privacy settings. Users can hide or delete their profiles at any time. With Outdooractive, you can communicate with these leads digitally and in accordance with GDPR.

Choose your plan

CRM Integration

Manage all your obtained leads together with all your stakeholders in one of the world's leading CRM Systems. 

Outdooractive can be seamlessly integrated with

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CRM Integration

Manage all your obtained leads together with all your stakeholders in one of the world's leading CRM Systems. Outdooractive can be seamlessly integrated with

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Visitor Guidance

Digital guests generate a lot of data. This data can be used to manage visitor traffic throughout your destination. Outdooractive provides you with the tools and assistance you need to do it effectively. 
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