More than 14 million happy members
Outdooractive is one of the largest outdoor platforms in the world for a reason: The unique quality guaranteed by our official partners lets our members experience safe, eco-friendly and unforgettable adventures. Every day.
Your next adventure is just a click away
On Outdooractive, our members get inspired to go on new adventures every day — no matter what they're looking for or where they want to go.
To ensure safety, sustainability and overall quality of the trips, professional content created by our official partners is always positioned above community-contributed content.
Navigation and download of routes
Even if the trail is not always easy to find, Outdooractive members will never lose it due to the precise navigation features accessible in the app. Even in regions where internet coverage is poor, downloaded maps allow users to get to where they're going and return home safely — worldwide.
There is more to know than just the route
We have to respect nature for both its beauty and its power. That's why we've integrated all kinds of additional information into the Outdooractive app, such as difficulty scores, elevation profiles, weather forecasts, gear recommendations and accessibility reports.