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  • Campaigns that fit your destination

    Highlight different themes in your region for the target group that is most important for you and reach maximum visibility with your content. 

Content campaign 2025

Are you ready to attract more guests?

By partnering with Outdooractive, you connect with a global outdoor community that represents 153 nationalities and speaks 142 languages. Our members are enthusiastic for outdoor experiences, well-informed about their favorite activities and they are willing to invest in high-quality outdoor adventures.  

Take the unique opportunity to effectively address specific target groups and meet their interests in a creative way. Through themed marketing campaigns, you will raise the impact on positioning yourself as an attractive destination that fits particularly well to certain interests and activities. Emphasize the diversity and uniqueness of your region in order to increase the potential visitor's attention. The reach of our channels in combination with our ability to present targeted content, makes Outdooractive an efficient destination marketing platform that appeals to both national and international visitors.

60+ mio 

15+ mio 
community members

8+ mio  
newsletter subscribers

Find out how successful destination partners present themselves

Biking in Denmark
Long-distance hiking trail

Erfahren Sie, wie sich Destinationen erfolgreich präsentieren

Biking in Denmark
Long-distance hiking trail

Découvrez nos destinations partenaires

Attract your guests through a special theme, activity, or sight your region is famous for

It's not easy to reach the right audience and to attract more and more people to visit your region. We offer you an effective possibility to highlight your region's jewels. 
  • predefined target group according to your approach / theme
  • overview of the most relevant themes in a yearly content plan
  • professional, theme-related and sustainable content
  • interactive experiences
  • seasonal customized approach
  • measurability and analysis

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    Communicate with 60+ mio potential users

    Through the Alliance of the Officials we connect over 5,000 business partners with our and their worldwide communities. Reach the most suitable target group through various channels and promote your region, products and offers in the best possible way. 

    We communicate through many different ways with our community, either via newsletter, social media, personalized mailings or push notifications and many more options.

    Everything is possible and will be proceeded according to  content strategy and availability.

    What we offer

    • Prominent display of your content on the Outdooractive platform.
    • Guaranteed amount of clicks on your campaign content.

    • We create or edit your theme specific activity sites (e.g. hiking tours in the Allgäu)

    • You define the thematic focus according to our content strategy, wether it's an activity or a sight. Together we decide on the best time period – Outdooractive takes care of the rest.

    • Your specials are advertised in a perfect marketing mix.

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    Your benefits


    Used by millions of outdoor enthusiasts at the planning stage and during their travels, our wide reach, strong SEO ranking and direct communication channels allow you to influence your target group. along the whole customer journey


    Guaranteed clickthrough makes your campaign’s success almost certain. We will market your destination using multiple channels and a mix of creative media.


    Your content becomes part of our platform forever, creating permanent visibility for your brand and continued relevance to both current and future travelers.

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