Guests are already used to getting information, booking and paying digitally. Questions are asked online, purchases are made online, check-in and check-out are going digital, registration forms and guest cards must be integrated smoothly and seamlessly everywhere. Service requests, surveys, reviews and complaints must also be integrated into digital processes. Data collection must be DSGVO compliant without inconvenience, without risk, and without additional effort.
Only digital communication reaches guests
Only digital communication reaches guests

Gone are the days when guests used phone, fax and print catalogs to find out about their planned vacation. Googling has become far too easy. And the usability of booking platforms has become far too convenient to bother with poor websites anymore. If you want to reach people as a destination, then the only way is to create good content in a structured form and to distribute it via as large a distribution list as possible to as many platforms as possible on which potential guests inform themselves.
Offer a vacation planning tool
Offer a vacation planning tool
Take advantage of the last advantage you have left over the platforms: Offer the "everything in one place" vacation planner. If you have all your content in the Outdooractive platform, guests will find everything in one place - and that's regardless of whether the they use your white-label website, your white-label app, or Outdooractive Web/App. In any frontend of the Outdooractive platform, the guest can save all content to watch lists and also display it on My Map. Individual routes can also be planned and saved. Travel can also be easily planned by car or public transport.
Have the user create an account and answer questions
Have the user create an account and answer questions

An account is necessary to save vacation planning. In the Outdooractive platform, this is very easy to do because the branded community is fully integrated in every Outdooractive frontend. The user logs in under your brand and all communication takes place under your brand. In terms of the DSGVO (Basic Data Protection Regulation), we then share the responsibility according to Art. 26, as "jointly responsible parties". The entire administration of the community is implemented in compliance with DSGVO. In the background, our community team also works 7 days a week to answer user questions in case of technical problems. You should answer content-related questions yourself, as these can be asked at any point in the software. Good and fast customer service is known to lead to a much higher booking rate and customer satisfaction.
Booking & digital payment
Booking & digital payment

There is no question that everything is booked digitally. If you want to support your accommodation and other providers and play a role in the digital vacation journey, you need to help them make their offers bookable online. It does not necessarily matter in which tool the booking takes place. It is not necessary for the destination to operate its own booking platform. It is much more important that the accommodation or the providers of other services have an online booking solution for themselves. There are many platforms for this purpose, all of which offer standardized booking solutions in which the relevant payment methods are already integrated. In the Outdooractive platform, all relevant booking systems can be integrated and linked with the data of accommodation, events and bookable offers.
Online check-in & registration form
Online check-in & registration form
After booking accommodation, an automatic process should be started that gradually turns the guest into a digital guest. Of course, this process takes place at the accommodation provider. However, a destination would do well to control this process or to provide the accommodation with the tools to do so. The online check-in is the first step, which should be offered in an automated email to the guest. Ideally, the accommodation provider communicates not only in the name of the hotel but also in the name of the destination. As a second step, a pre-filled registration form should only ask for any missing information.
Guest card
Guest card
The most effective solution for generating guest profiles are digital guest cards. In contrast to guest benefits on paper, digital guest cards collect much more data. The permission to further use of this data is very easy, because the guest always benefits from it. The guest card is ideally integrated into the native destination app for the best service for the guest. Then he will receive a clear overview of all offers on a map and by "checking in" to the POI he will automatically fill his digital vacation diary.
Arrival & traffic on site
Arrival & traffic on site
Changing the behavior of guests on arrival requires environmentally friendly options. Creating these must be a strategic goal of any destination and is not a short-term thing. When it comes to on-site traffic, the destination has greater influence and room to maneuver for its own developments. The digitization and convenient use of existing public transport services alone makes a big difference.

Digitizing parking has huge potential for tourism. Convenient payment via smartphone for the parking time actually used offers convenience for guests. What has so far become increasingly popular in cities can also be transferred to rural areas. By digitizing parking areas and their utilization, traffic can be managed efficiently and park-search traffic is significantly reduced by visualizing the utilization on the map as soon as you arrive.
Experiences, guides and tickets on site
Experiences, guides and tickets on site
After overnight stays, on-site experiences generate the second-largest revenue volume. However, the share of digitization in this area has been marginal so far - especially outside of the big cities. Destinations have a great deal of leverage here by motivating providers accordingly and offering training and also promoting digital offers as part of the destination offering. A destination does not need to purchase its own booking system for this.
Manage your current conditions
Manage your current conditions
There is no worse experience for a visitor who has planned a route or trip than when the bus, boat or mountain railroad is not running, the restaurant at the destination is closed, the event is cancelled, the trail is closed or there is too much snow or not enough. The scenery and the product might be great, but there won't be a good rating or recommendation. Managing current conditions digitally should be a high priority. Your own website and social media channels are by no means sufficient for this.
Create contact points
Create contact points

In a destination, there are lots of good opportunities to offer digital services to the guest. Guests are happy to accept good service and give a lot of data in return. It starts in the tourist information office or in the hotel, where recommendations for guests can easily be provided as digital lists, which you can access via QR code on your smartphone. This supports the service staff and gives the guest a better orientation than paper or verbal explanations. All recommendations, such as "events in april" or "bike routes in october", are clearly displayed on the map of the smartphone. They navigate the guest directly to the destination or lead directly to the ticket purchase. Further possibilities are QR-installations at sights and vantage points, hiking parking lots or also on print material.
On-site navigation
On-site navigation
There is no better orientation aid than a modern smartphone. You always know where you are, even if you can't read a map. You also get directions everywhere when you click on a destination in an app or on a website. Instead of leaving this domain to Google, destinations would do well to secure control over on-site navigation themselves. This is by far the best way to get profile data and movement profiles from guests. If the destination's data is available in the database, then there needs to be uniform communication in the destination across all channels and service providers, so that the destination's application is also used for all communication with the guests. Then you also have the possibility to warn of current dangers or to point out road closures.
Offer security
Offer security
Guests naturally have a great need for security. Destinations can do a lot to keep guests safe and also provide them with a far-reaching sense of security. The standard is weather information and warning of natural events, which must be directly integrated into all applications to reach guests as well - ideally also with permission (consent) to send push notifications. As a next step, maps with snow cover,snow depth and avalanche danger can be offered - this information is essential in alpine regions if you want to be active outdoors. In a native app, the emergency function is also available, with which the rescue service can be alerted directly. The position of users who have a profile can also be directly located and transmitted to the rescue service, which can save lives in an emergency.
Digitize the rules for the use of nature
Digitize the rules for the use of nature
The pressure on nature is increasing, but no one knows the rules for using nature. Activate all protected areas in your destination and digitize the rules in the protected areas. After entering the protected areas and your rules on DtP (Digitize the Planet), they are available as Open Data for all digital applications and are shown to the user at the right moment and in the proper context.
Surveys & Feedback
Surveys & Feedback
Listening to guests and taking their feedback seriously is essential for developing product quality. A hotel has the option to ask for feedback at checkout or for a rating on a hotel portal. A destination can ask guests for comments and ratings in many different places. In community management all of these reviews run together with guest questions and trail deficiency reports. With a holistic digital community management, enough feedback is generated to get a picture of guest satisfaction, or to identify the weak points on the map and eliminate them.
Measure your visitor flows
Measure your visitor flows
Area-wide measurement via in-app GPS locations, track records, click behavior, comments, ratings and content sharing lead to a digital picture of what your visitors are planning, doing and sharing before, during and after their trip. Based on this, predictions and personalized recommendations can be generated.

Please feel free to contact us for more information and advice.